10 Ways to Channel Your Inner Beest
Jul 29, 2022
This article was co-authored by Laura Thorne and Stephen Huffaker.
Any given day, even the strongest of us can be broken down into a limp puddle of grief, sorrow, or hopelessness. We might be stuck down by the loss of a family member, a job, or finances. We might just need the courage to have a tough conversation, face a fear, or get through one more day in a job we don’t love.
If you ever find yourself in a situation like this, you’ll need to muster your personal power to triumph. Of course, by all means take the time you need to recover from losses, but when you are ready, you can use these tactics to pull yourself up and round-house the challenges before you in the teeth.
Here at WPC, we’re all about summoning our inner strengths and talents to become powerful Beests. Keep reading to learn how you can channel your inner Beest.
1. Know that it is in you.
Life can be incredibly hard and you might not always feel strong or capable, but remember that even the most successful people are human too. You are just as capable of reaching your goals, being happy, and overcoming obstacles. A mentor once told me that the difference between an amateur and a professional is time, not ability or intelligence. Just because you aren’t as far along in your journey as others doesn’t mean you are any less capable. You have the ability to achieve success.
As Audrey Hepburn once said, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I'm possible.’”
2. Visualize success.
Believing in your own capacity for success is important in achieving it, both daily and in the long-term. In order to achieve your goals, you have to know what they are. Picturing yourself succeeding helps you to articulate what your end goal is. It also gives you confidence. Goal-achievement is a little like travelling: Once we know exactly where we want to go, it’s easier to believe that we have the ability to get there. Uncertainty is the enemy of confidence.
There are three key areas when it is most important to visualize your future success:
- When you have something important coming up (a presentation, the first day of a new job, or an important meeting).
- When planning your future.
- When looking at your to-do list at the start of each day.
Where/who do you want to be in the future? Picture yourself being in that situation after achieving your goals. Ask yourself some specific questions: What is it about this outcome that makes you happy? What will you do now that you’ve achieved your goals? What does your daily life look like?
When visualizing success in this way, try to focus on the realistic and positive aspects of your future life. If you’re like most people, you have enough negative thoughts weighing you down already.
Just remember the following quote: “She believed, therefore she did.”
3. Journal.
Journaling is not for everyone, but it can be a powerful tool when used intentionally. Journaling is very similar to visualizing success, just in written form. Remember, writing is an exercise in thinking, and writing down your goals will help you stimulate your brain and plan more effectively.
Using a journal can be particularly helpful if you’re trying to visualize success but are struggling to focus. Many journals provide prompts or other guidelines to help you articulate your goals with the most specificity. Visualizing success will be easier with a journal to guide you.
If you’d like to find a journal all about channeling your inner strengths, check out My Animal Spirit: A Journal Series by Wildebeest Publishing Company!
As author Flannery O’Connor once said, “I write to discover what I know.” Through journaling, you can learn more about yourself. You just might discover the strong Beest inside of you!
4. Wear or carry a meaningful power item.
As Mark Twain famously said, “Clothes make the man.” Psychologically speaking, putting effort into our appearance makes us feel empowered and in control. Research has shown that what we wear affects how we feel. According to Professor Karen Pine, “Clothing doesn't just influence others, it reflects and influences the wearer’s mood too.”
When facing a particularly challenging day or project, wear a favorite accessory or article of clothing. Boots and heels are both classic confidence boosters, but any meaningful item can help you feel focused and capable.
For example, our founder, Laura Thorne, wears a black rubber bracelet with the words “Bad Bitch” on it whenever she is facing a challenging interaction like a high profile business meeting with powerful men or delivering a keynote presentation. The bracelet was given to her by singer/songwriter, Jess Novak, a friend and fellow badass. The charm lets her borrow strength when she needs it.
5. Live by the 4 Agreements.
In The 4 Agreements, author Don Miguel Ruiz outlines 4 guiding principles that help you have more control over your reactions to life events. Here are the “4 Agreements,” according to Ruiz:
- Be impeccable with your words.
- Don’t take anything personally.
- Don’t make assumptions.
- Always do your best.
Following the 4 Agreements is all about taking control of your own life and seeing yourself as an agent, not a victim. Revamping your self-perception to be more empowering is a surefire way to bring out your inner strength.
6. Call on a Role Model.
A Role Model is someone that you look to for guidance. They can be someone you know personally, or a celebrity or famous figure that you admire. Family members, mentors, and co-workers can all be Role Models. Alternatively, your Role Model might be an activist like Mahatma Gandhi or Malala Yousafzai.
If your Role Model is someone you know personally, ask them for advice. If your role model is a famous person, use what you know about their values to consider what they would do in your situation. When we emulate someone whose values align with ours or whose capability we respect, we feel much more confident that we’re doing the right thing.
As Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor once said, “A role model in the flesh provides more than inspiration; his or her very existence is confirmation of possibilities one may have every reason to doubt, saying, 'Yes, someone like me can do this.’”
However, when using a Role Model to draw out your own inner strength, you’ll want to consider differences in your values and personality. Just because you feel your Role Model is worthy of emulation, you don’t have to be a clone of them. Sometimes we differ from or disagree with the people we admire. Always stay true to yourself.
7. Take a class.
This class could be about anything you’re interested in. It could be a marketing or finance course to help you improve your business skills, or it could be something just for fun, like martial arts or singing. Learning or improving a skill of any kind means transforming your inner potential into something actionable.
Capability becomes skill, and skill becomes achievement.
8. Blast music.
In the opening scene of an episode of Dead to Me, Christina Applegate’s character rages out her frustrations while listening to metal music in her car. There’s some real psychological truth to this scene: Music is often cathartic. Regardless of your musical taste, there’s a genre of music to match any mood. When Laura needs to summon her inner beest, she turns her Pandora station to one loaded with inspirational hip hop and authority-kicking punk.
Music can have a strong effect on your emotional state. According to research, “Specific music induces specific feelings.” That means that even if you're not feeling particularly strong in the moment, the right song can help you summon your inner strength.
Henry David Thoreau once said, “When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe.” That’s quite the Beestly sentiment!
9. Refer to the Buddist principles.
At its core, Buddhism recognizes that life is suffering, essentially a side-effect of being sentient. Unlike our animal Beestie comrades on this planet, humans feel, believe, and see things that cause us pain. It’s especially challenging when we don’t understand the burdens that come with enduring so many emotions.
10. Be self-empowered.
This is what everything else boils down to. Remember: You are the master of your own destiny. Just channel Jennifer Connolly in Labyrinth: “You have no power over me.”
This sentiment applies to other people and your situation. You might have to adapt to wherever you find yourself, but you are never a victim and you are never completely powerless. You are always in control of yourself, and nothing can truly inform your actions apart from your own decision-making.
We hope you find these inner strength conjuring tips helpful when you need them. What did we miss? How do you summon your inner Beest?