Promote literacy by giving writing a purpose!
Our Youth Authors Group Publishing Program was established to create a unique and creative approach to engage youth with storytelling and writing.
Who's it for?
Nonprofits or groups with literacy objectives that work with youth ages 7 -14
● Everything needed to publish and sell a book an Amazon is included
● You'll help students write their stories around a theme as part of an existing or new program
● We host a session with the students during one of your scheduled meetings to talk to them about the publishing process
● The program ends with a celebratory book launch and signing event
● Net proceeds from book sales can be used for fundraising
Contact Us

2022 - Community Folk Art Center, Syracuse, NY
Students participated in a 6 month program where they wrote stories about their individual experiences during the pandemic. They also created a 16 x 20 fabric art collage to demonstrate their stories. The book, titled High-Flown Words: Griot Guide youth storytelling created during the COVID pandemic, includes the stories and pictures of the art along with credit to each first-time youth author, is available on Amazon.

Want to publish your students' stories?
Send us a detailed message about your organization, the students, the relevant programs, and your literacy goals.
Contact Us